We’ve had the privilege to interview one of the most talented young riders out there, Ben Holman, a 12 year old from Rochester, WA. He’s a passionate BMX rider with big objectives in life. We believe that he has got the skills and talent to make it big in life. We have been following his progress over time and we’re excited to see how far he’ll get in his BMX career and in life.

ben holman bmx


Name: Ben Holman

Age: 12

From: Rochester, WA







How long have you been riding BMX for? and what got you started?

I have been riding for 7 years. I wanted to keep up on my bike with my brother, sister, and the neighborhood kids.

What’s the first trick that you’ve learned?

The first trick I learned was a one hander over a box jump.

What’s the most difficult trick that you’ve learned?

Most difficult trick for me to learn was a tail whip, and I am still working on perfecting it.

Next trick to learn? The next new trick I want to learn is a bar-spin backflip.

What is the most memorable BMX moment you have so far? (Feel free to send us a video of a memorable moment.)

Most memorable BMX moment, when I landed my first backflip at Woodward West at summer camp during a competition of the day. I went over to the resi to throw a quick practice flip. My name was called for my best trick turn, and I went and threw it. I was so excited. I jumped up and down and everyone in the place threw their shoes into the middle of the hanger in celebration!



What’s the next big thing that you will be doing in the near future?

I hope to qualify for the nationals and compete for a national placing through USA bmx freestyle.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start riding?

I tell someone who wants to start riding to practice a lot and not give up.

What’s your ultimate goal in BMX or life?

My ultimate goal is to become a pro BMX rider and compete in the X-Games. I also would love the opportunity to travel and do shows all over the world, I love crowds. I have a big heart for kids around the world who suffer. I want to start a foundation to supply sports equipment to orphanages and help provide food and daily needs. I already support a child in Africa through World Vision.