Support Your Favorite Athlete Club™ ( was launched in 2022 by World Class Entertainment Squad™ (WCES™) as a groundbreaking platform with a twofold mission: to enhance athletes’ abilities and to empower them financially by capitalizing on their online presence with our branding and marketing expertises that come in a form of educational content. Recognizing the dual challenges of achieving peak athletic performance and managing the financial demands of a sports career, offers a unique solution.

At the heart of’s approach is a commitment to educational content, primarily interviews with other athletes and via our “Athlete Branding and Marketing Educational platform”(coming soon). These offers serve as a rich resource, offering insights, strategies, and personal experiences that are invaluable for athletes aiming to monetize their online presence and improve their skills, mental toughness, and overall athletic performance. By learning from peers who have navigated the complexities of the sports and the marketing world, athletes gain access to a wealth of knowledge that can propel their own careers forward in the athletic arena and beyond.. is dedicated to helping athletes unlock the potential of their online presence for financial gain. In today’s digital age, an athlete’s online persona can be a powerful tool for brand building, engaging with fans, and generating income. educates athletes on effective strategies for online monetization, from leveraging social media platforms, building effective sales funnels, to creating engaging content that can turn their fans to customers, attract sponsorships and partnerships.

This dual focus not only aids athletes in reaching their performance goals but also provides them with the means to support their careers financially. By offering guidance on both improving athletic ability through educational content and monetizing their online presence, stands as a comprehensive resource for athletes striving for excellence in their sports and financial independence.

In essence, Support Your Favorite Athlete Club™ ( embodies the vision of WCES™ to create a supportive ecosystem where athletes can thrive both on and off the field. Through a combination of peer insights and digital monetization strategies, is paving the way for athletes to reach new heights in their careers while securing their financial futures.
World Class Entertainment Squad


World Class Entertainment Squad™  is an online sports magazine established in 2012.

We are a BMX magazine dedicated to unifying the BMX community. We collaborate with Riders & Film Makers around the world with the main goal of creating educational and entertainment content for our community. We used to publish our content on; however, since 2022 we’ve made the decision to consolidate most previous articles and posts onto to better serve our community.
world class entertainment squad